Nov 2, 2011

How to make a Fall Centerpiece

I definately had fun making this Fall Centerpiece.
and.... I did not buy one single thing!!
Gather a few things around the house in fall colors and add them to a platter.
Layer the platter with greenery of some sort or a piece of material.
  Make a Focal Point.
As you can see I used the Wheat Grass for the Main focal point and height.
Last, Add large and Small objects for Color.

Here is what I used:
Red Serving Tray from decoration on my front porch
Spruce Tree Trimmings (from my husbands tree job- fresh of the trailer-lol)
Spikey balls - great fun my daughter and I had painting these in fall colors.
(these were also harvested from a Sweet Gum tree job my husband did)
As my daughter was painting these , she said mom I love fall colors. 
Fresh Zucchini & Cucumber (from my garden)
Turnips and Tomatoes (from my neighbor)
  Wheat Grass arranged in a juice glass.
(from my back yard)

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