Oct 16, 2011

Shopping at Thrift Stores

This can be considered a Fine Art
  • Find 1-2 stores that have a good turnaround.
  • Read Sales when you walk in.
  • Know what your looking for. If not, you can waste alot of time looking at everything.
  • Give yourself enough time. This isn't a Department store, you will have to hunt.
  • If looking for clothes push a large group of hangers to the side, then move each hanger 1 at a time. It is faster.
  • Place all clothing in cart, when you have finished, hold each item up to light to check for stains.
  • Watch for staple marks and tag holes. 
  • Many stores staple the tags right on the clothes which will leave holes after washed.
  •           - you will have to decide whether the clothing is good enough with the small holes.
  • Inspect Zippers and Buttons. If it is missing a button , ask for a discount.
  • Shop a Size Smaller and Larger- remember it may be stretched out or shrunk.
  • Try it on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good ideas!